Thursday, September 23, 2010

Live Earthquakes!

It's just a website which lists every single quake that has occurred. Pretty awesome site, I didn't even know that so many earthquakes happen every day until I looked at yesterdays records. Oh hey, there was also an earthquake in Mexico. 4.5, not sure what they measure it in though. I heard somewhere that the Richter scale was replaced in US, but can't really confirm it. (Heard it on NoAgenda) Also, Ukraine announced a 7 Richter scale earthquake prediction in Vrancea, Romania, whom denied their opinion claiming that no earthquakes have been expected in the last years. It's been two days now and nothing happened. Guess we'll just have to sit back and watch who's right.

Also, did you know this website existed for Iron Man 2? It was news to me.


  1. cool! we just had an earthquake on the east coast not that long ago it was strange bcuz we rarely get them here

  2. Almost never get earthquakes in Australia... It does happen but vary rarely.

  3. Canada also seems to be relatively safe from earthquakes.

  4. great to see this. I'm tired of all those dead earthquakes.

  5. You have a good thing going here :)

  6. Quick, patch that hole! Don't drive into it!

  7. woah, earthquakes are fucking gay

  8. cool post bro!
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)
    suppin can u rtrn pls?

  9. man, earthquake sucks! i live in an earthquake zone and the power will always sent out if a high magnitude quake occurs!

  10. Great post, keep it up and I'll keep showing love and support =)

  11. i can wait for san andreas to fuck some shit up. and lol 2 stark expo, viral marketing at it's best

  12. I've never actually experienced an earthquake... I think I would like to, once :D

  13. Go to LA they have one like literally every hour, but apparently everyone's so used to it!

  14. Same like Structus Postumus. But not a big one wht kills people :(

  15. I think it's the moment magnitude scale, but it seems that everything is still under the Richter.
